I had promised myself that I would not write a review until I had finished the game, but seeing as I have been playing for days, only completed 55 fields and opened 57, and that still is barely 1/3 of all of the fields, that seems illogical to do... Plus, I have so much I want to comment on, that waiting for a while may cause me to forget what I want to say, I have a horrid memory like that.
The field selection; I LOVE that you can (for the most part) choose whichever way you would rather go.
Graphics; Perfect in every way.
Music; good to have around, barely noticeable when you're working hard to win, and overall, well suited for the game.
Gameplay; super easy, unless you use the keyboard shortcuts, then confusing as poo.
Game Length; Super long, but in such a style that it's perfectly acceptable, and does not get boring.
Sound Effects; Amusing for the most part, nothing that's annoying.
As a whole; *insert expletive here* AWESOME!
This should be a mandatory game that everyone who even checks out a tower defense game must play at least 1 round of. I absolutely LOVE it!